《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第3集第16期:最不想伤害的人(在线收听

You are not gonna remember what I did to you or what you saw me become.

你会忘记我对你做过什么 忘记你看到我变成什么

We were just making out in the woods.


And then an animal attacked you and bit your neck.

然后一只动物袭击了你 咬了你的脖子

It's weird. It just came out of nowhere.

很奇怪 那动物不知道从哪里蹦出来的

What are we going to do about Tyler?


I took care of it.I'll get Matt on vervain.

我处理好了 我会给马特一些马鞭草

It'll keep you from being able to compel him, but also keep you from being able to drink his blood.

它会让你无法催眠他 但是 这能防止你吸他的血

I can't believe I hurt him.I know.

难以置信 我居然伤害了他 我懂

He's the one person on this entire planet that I never wanted to hurt.

他是这个世界上 我最不想伤害的人

It's not going to get any easier.


You're just going to have to work that much harder.


I shouldn't be with him, should I?

我不能和他在一起 对吧

And if there's any danger...I'm the last person to make that kind of decision for you.

要是有危险 这种事我最没资格替你决定

If I followed my own advice,I would have walked away from Elena a long time ago.

若是按我自己的意思 很久前我就离开埃琳娜了

You ever think you should off?I know I should off.I just can't.

你曾想过离开吗 我觉得我该离开 但我做不到
