《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第4期:挺身而出(在线收听

Damon's private stock.That's right! You don't do human.I read that.

这是达蒙的私藏 想起来了 你不喝人血 我读到了

I also read about your recent werewolf sighting.That must have come as a surprise.

我还读到你最近注意上了狼人 狼人这事肯定令你很震惊吧

What do you know about werewolves?I know not to pet one.

关于狼人 你知道些什么 我知道 别养狼人当宠物

Their bite kills, Stefan.It's best to stay clear of them during a full moon.

让它们咬一口会致命 斯特凡 满月时最好离它们远点

And how do you know this?


Who do you think was responsible for ridding this town of vampires in 1864?

你觉得1864年 是谁除掉了这个镇上的所有吸血鬼

The founding families.Spearheaded by?The Lockwoods.

创始家族 带头的是 洛克伍德家族

You remember the Founder's Ball, don't you?The one that you were dreaming about?

还记得创始人晚会吧 你刚梦到的那个

I was your escort.That was before you and Damon knew about my little secret.

我是你的男伴 当时你和达蒙还不知道我是吸血鬼

Everyone, will you please join me in raising your glasses to my good friend George Lockwood.

大家请同我一同举杯 敬我亲爱的朋友乔治·洛克伍德一杯

George, thank you for so bravely defending the south.

乔治 谢谢你英勇捍卫南方

My honor, Mr. Salvatore.After all, someone had to do it.

我的荣幸 塞尔瓦托先生 毕竟 总有人得挺身而出

May I have a word, Miss Katherine?Grab a glass, Henry. It's a celebration.Please, Miss Katherine.

借一步说话 凯瑟琳小姐 亨利 你也来一杯吧 这可是庆典 拜托 凯瑟琳小姐

I looked into those attacks from the other night.It wasn't vampires.

我调查了那天晚上的袭击事件 不是吸血鬼干的

That's good news, Henry.That means we have nothing to worry about.

这是好消息 亨利 这意味着我们没什么好担心的了

I'm afraid you don't understand.Those folks were torn apart in ways I've never seen before.

恐怕你还没有了解我的意思 那些受害者被撕裂的方式我前所未见
