一生必知英语话题背诵 35婚姻美满的秘密(在线收听

A successful marriage lies in two points: finding the right person and being the right person. Marriage is much more than the mere coming together of two individuals. How can we survive years of sameness(相同) and irritation(令人恼火的事) at the other's habits to sustain love in a happy family?


The central secret seems to be in choosing well. Good people can create bad relationships, even though they both dearly want the relationship to succeed. It is important to find someone with whom you can create a good relationship from the outset.


However, we can't change basic personality, but we can improve behavior. We will turn out more compatible with our mates through learning to adapt to each other. As the 1980s generation, compatibility is not a state in which we begin a marriage, but rather a goal to be achieved.

