《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第11期:消除你的恐惧(在线收听

These are fancy.Thanks. My mother's silver set.

这些很精致啊 谢谢 那是我妈妈留下的银质餐具

Hearing the truth after a century and a half of denial must be overwhelming.

抗拒了一个半世纪 最终还是听到了真相 肯定很难受吧

It wasn't real. I remember you compelling me.

那不是真的 我记得你用意念控制过我

Only after I showed you who I really was.


You were so scared of me.I had to take away your fear.

你当时很害怕 我只能这样消除你的恐惧

Well, whatever feelings I had back then...they've all turned to hate.

不管过去我对你的感觉如何 现在它们全变成了恨

Love, hate.Such a fine line.I can wait.

爱与恨 一线之隔 我可以等

Anyway, George Lockwood was causing all sorts of trouble.He used the vampires to cover up his own tracks.

总之是乔治·洛克伍德引起的所有的麻烦 他利用吸血鬼来掩护他的族群

He told the founding families about us.


But he was willing to strike a deal.What kind of a deal?

但他愿意和我做笔交易 什么交易

A deal to rid the town of vampires.

他放过我 我配合他除掉镇上的所有吸血鬼

I just spoke to Giuseppe Salvatore.Mm-hmm.The round-up happens tonight.

我刚和朱塞佩·塞尔瓦托谈过了 怎么样 今晚行动

Good. Insist that they do a body count before they set the church is set ablaze.I will.27 vampires.

很好 让他们在放火前一定要确认 一共有多少吸血鬼 我会的 一共应该有27只吸血鬼

Once the flames create chaos,crawl to the exit under the choir loft.

一旦着火引发骚乱 你就从唱诗台下面的出口逃出来

I'll be there to set you free.Make sure you're not followed.

我会在外边等你 小心不要让人跟踪你

I need everyone to believe that I perished in that fire.


You knew that they're going to burn the vampires in the church?

