《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第12期:最差劲的朋友(在线收听

I practically lit the match.They were your friends. They were your family.

其实是我点燃的火把 他们是你的朋友 你的家人

You just sold them out?Without blinking.

你就这么把他们出卖了 我连眼都没眨一下

Mason.Why don't you start us off.Sure.

梅森 你先来吧 好啊

What? I apologize. I'm an animal.So, Mason, you and Jenna never dated?

怎么了 不好意思 我就是个粗人 梅森 你和珍娜约会过吗

She was always lost in Logan Fell-land.Oh, my first mistake.

她当时喜欢的是罗根·费尔 看走眼了啊

Mason was a catch.He had girls lining up.Really?!

梅森很抢手 追他的女孩可多了 真的吗

Huh. I pegged you for a lone wolf.I'm sure I wasn't half the lady killer you were.

我还以为你是个独行侠呢 我的魅力肯定还不及你的一半

How about a toast?To new friends.Cheers!

干一杯吧 敬新朋友 干杯

Would I be the worst friend in the world if I abandoned you and went to Stefan's?

如果我现在离开你去找斯特凡 会不会是最差劲的朋友

You want to leave?It's just that he hasn't gotten back to me.

你想走 他一直没回我电话

And I'm starting to get this bad feeling.


I don't think that's a good idea, Elena.Damon's got it under control here.

我觉得你不该走 埃琳娜 达蒙已经控制住这里的局面了

Take it from me, there's nothing worse than a clingy girlfriend.

相信我 粘人的女朋友最讨厌了

I'm not being clingy. I'm just concerned.You understand, right?

我不是要粘着他 我只是关心他 你懂的 对吧

How about I drive you?Yeah. Ok. That'd be great. Thanks.Yeah.

我开车送你吧 好啊 很好 谢了 不客气
