《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第19期:替朋友着想(在线收听

Elena.Oh my god, I am so sorry about earlier today.

埃琳娜 真对不起 我对之前的事非常抱歉

I don't--I don't know what came over me.It's ok, Caroline.

我 我不知道自己怎么回事 没事的 卡罗琳

Everything that you were saying was right.


It's just hard for me to hear, you know?


So you're not mad at me?


You were just being a good friend...in your own way.


My own head-case,horrible way.Elena, I really am sorry.

我那疯狂 恐怖的方式 埃琳娜 真的对不起

I'm starving.Well, spending a day with your jealous ex will do that to you.

我好饿 整天都跟那醋坛子前女友在一起 不饿才怪

Listen, I know you're upset.All right, but...

我知道你很郁闷 可是

we have to take her seriously.Today was all about the lengths that she'll go to.

我们不能小看她 今天只是试探一下她的底限

If she was going to hurt me, she would have.

要是她想伤害我 早就动手了

I was standing right in front of her.Elena, you caught her off guard.

我当时就站在她面前 埃琳娜 她对你没有戒心

It doesn't mean that you're safe.


I'm not afraid of her.Well, you should be.

我不怕她 你应该怕她

If Katherine had her way,we'd be breaking up right now.

要是任她为所欲为 那我们现在早分手了

And if today taught me anything,it's that Katherine's used to getting her way.

如果要我从今天的事中总结经验 那就是 凯瑟琳已经习惯为所欲为了

You're not actually saying that we should do what she says.


Listen, she's sadistic.Ok. She threatened you.She threatened everyone.Yeah. No. I get it, ok. She's dangerous.

听着 她是个虐待狂 她威胁到你 威胁到所有人 好吧 我明白了 她是个危险人物
