《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第20期:到处拈花惹(在线收听

But every day that we're together. It's dangerous.


Why are you giving her so much power over our relationship?

你为什么要任凭她 来搅和我们的关系呢

This is the reality of our situation.Reality sucks.

现实就是如此 去他的现实

This is what she wants, Stefan.She wants us to fight.She wants get between us.

她就是让我们这样 斯特凡 她就是让我们吵嘴 她就是想介入我们之间

She already has, Elena.

埃琳娜 她已经介入了

Bad day?Bad century.I heard you were on the loose.

今天不顺吗 这个世纪都不顺 听说你又到处拈花惹草了

What's the matter? Jealous I spent the day with Stefan?

怎么 我跟斯特凡待了一天 你吃醋了吗

I don't do jealous. Not with you.Not anymore.Then why so pouty?

我不吃醋 不吃你的醋 再也不会吃你的醋了 那干嘛撅着嘴

I tried to kill a werewolf and failed.

我想干掉一个狼人 没成功

Now I feel like I'm not living up to my best self.


Well, werewolves aren't easy prey.


What do you know about werewolves?Why don't you ask your brother?

你对狼人了解多少 怎么不去问你弟弟

Don't try to be the hero, Damon. You'll end up dead.Been there, done that.

别逞英雄了 达蒙 你这是在找死 已经逞过了 也死过了

At least this time it will have been worth it.

这次就算死了 起码也死有所值
