《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第21期:卑鄙的勾当(在线收听

I hated that fight.I know, me, too. It felt too real.

我讨厌那样跟你吵嘴 我知道 我也是 咱们演得太逼真了

Did you see Caroline?Yeah.

你见到卡罗琳的表情了吗 嗯

We were right. Katherine got to her.She was hanging on to every single word.

我们没猜错 是凯瑟琳逼她这么做的 她说的那些话都是凯瑟琳教的

Then it won't be long before Katherine gets a play-by-play.


I wish I was wrong,but I know Caroline too well.

我真希望是我误会了 可我太了解卡罗琳了

It was so obvious that something was up today.


You're not wrong. It's pure Katherine.She's always finding somebody to do her dirty work.

你没误会 这就是凯瑟琳 她总会找人为她干些卑鄙的勾当

I think Damon was listening to us fight, too.


Are you gonna tell him that it wasn't real?


The only way Katherine's gonna believe it is if everybody believes it.

只有大家都相信我们吵嘴了 凯瑟琳才会相信

It's the best way to make her think she's getting what she wants.


All this...just to get you back.

她做这一切 只是为了重新得到你

That's not why she's here. Ok?No matter what she says.I know her.

她来这里不是为了这个 好吗 别听她胡言乱语 我太了解她了

Katherine doesn't care about anybody but herself.


She never has.She's incapable of love.

从不在乎别人 她心里根本无爱可言

She's here for another reason.


George.Your carriage is waiting.Well done, George. Thank you.

乔治 你要的马车在那边 干得好 乔治 谢谢

Now on to your part of the deal.


If anyone learns of my escape,I will find you. And I will kill you.Don't think that I won't.

要是有人发现我逃跑了 我一定会找到你 然后杀了你 别以为我做不到

We shall take each other's secrets to our grave.Now you must hurry.

我们都把彼此的秘密带进坟墓吧 你快点赶路吧
