《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第5集第13期:不能参与其中(在线收听

Thank you, Mason. I appreciate all you've done.We got it from here.

谢谢你 梅森 感激你做的一切 剩下的交给我们

Hey, you're going to kill them, right?Yes. That's why you should go.

你要杀了他们 是吗 是的 所以你该离开了

I'm here as the council, not the law.You can't be a party to this.

在这里我代表委员会而不是法律 你不能参与其中

It's for your own protection.


Liz, I don't care about,Yes, but I do, and I'm not asking.Good-bye, Mason.

莉兹 我不在乎 但是我在乎 而且我不是在询问你的意见 再见 梅森

Hey, just don't take any chances.


What is it? They've been here.What?

怎么了 他们来过 什么

What are you two doing out here?Have you seen Stefan?

你们俩在这干嘛 你看到斯特凡了吗

Yeah, Elena, I've seen him.I've seen Damon, too.

是的 埃琳娜 我见过他 我也见过达蒙了

Where are they?You don't need me for that.

他们在哪儿 这个你不需要问我

I'll let your friend here sniff 'em out.


Does your mother know what you are?


I'm happy to tell her.Don't be stupid.

我很情愿告诉她 别蠢了

Necks snap easy around here.I can take you.

折断她的脖子很容易 我拿得下你

Want to bet?Yeah, I do.Told you.Come on.

打赌吗 我打赌 早告诉过你 快过来

This is how it's going to work.


Answer me, and you don't get shot. Understand?

回答我就不会中弹 明白吗

How many of you are there?Liz, please...

你们还有多少人 莉兹 求你了
