《丑女贝蒂》精讲 62我喜欢你的自然美(在线收听

Betty:Can you hold the elevator, please?


Natalie Whitman:Hey, empanada girl. Betty, right?

嘿 肉饼女孩 你叫Betty 是吧



Natalie Whitman:God, what happened to that bunny?

老天 你的巴尼兔怎么了

It looks like it was stuck in ablender.


Betty:It probably was. It's had a tough couple of days.

可能是的 它这两天受苦了

Natalie Whitman:So you moving offices?


Betty:Actually, um... I'm quitting. But I'm probably fired anyway, so...

其实 呃 我辞职了 但反正估计也会被炒 所以

Natalie Whitman:What? Why?

什么 为什么

Betty:Look, the whole business with the book and the photos... it's my fault, not Daniel's and not mode's.

关于书和相片这整件事 都是我的错 不是Daniel的错 也不是《时尚》的错

I was taking care of the book when it was stolen.


It's just a lowly assistant screwup, and I don't want it to reflect badly on anyone else, and I'm really sorry for any pain or embarrassment or hurt that it might cause you, but for what is worth,

这不过是个卑微的小助手所犯的低级错误 我不想此事影响到其他人 但不管你信不信 我很抱歉给你带来了痛苦 难堪或伤害

I really did thought that those unretouched photos were beautiful.


And the truth is... well, I'd kill to look like you.

事实上 呃 我要是长得像你一样我都美死了
