《丑女贝蒂》精讲 69我看了丹尼尔的首刊(在线收听

Justin:So was the club amazing?


They say people wait in line for, like, three hours just to get inside.


Betty:Some even more.


Hilda:You're home early. I checked your homework.

你回来得挺早 我检查了你的家庭作业

Justin:Was there any famous people there?


Did you bring me a matchbox?


Betty: Justin, I forgot.

Justin 我忘记了

Justin:Well, what about the bathroom doors?

唔 那洗手间的门是怎样了

Do they really fog over when you push a button?

如果你按一下按钮 它真的会起雾气吗

Betty:Justin, I didn't have to use the bathroom.

Justin 我没有上洗手间

Hilda:Okay, Justin, go get ready for bed.

好了 Justin 去准备睡觉吧

Justin:And by the way, I read your boss' first issue.

顺便说一声 我看了你老板的第一期杂志

A little bulky, but good balance of style, accessories and puff pieces.

内容有点多 但很好地平衡了各种风格 附刊和宣传广告
