《丑女贝蒂》精讲 75会议事在上演好戏(在线收听

Betty:So here are all the models that Alex worked with, and I found that font style that he used.

这是所有和Alex合作过的模特 还有我找到了他用过的字体

Um, also, I brought all of these photographers' books.

嗯 还有 我把这些摄影师的作品集都带来了

This one right here--this is my favorite. He's amazing.

这个是我最喜欢的 他很厉害

He's shot everyone from, like, Madonna to the Dalai Lama.

他给各种各样的人拍照 比如说从Madonna到达赖喇嘛

Daniel:Yeah, this is Vincent Bianchi... and he'll never work for us.

他是Vincent Bianchi 他决不会给我们干活

Betty:Well, why not?


Daniel:When he worked with Alex, they got in this huge blowup.


He thought Alex was a fraud. Alex thought he was some temperamental artiste.


He vowed never to work for Meade Publications again.


Betty:But, Daniel, you're not Alex.

可是Daniel 你不是Alex。

Daniel:Look, if my brother the wunderkind couldn't make it work, I seriously doubt I'd be able to...

听着 如果我哥那样一个青年才俊都搞不定这件事 我就得怀疑自己

Look, let's just, uh, see who else is here, huh?


Marc:Tweedledee and Tweedledee have been in there for two hours going over back issues of "Hudson."

这两个笨蛋已经在那儿查过期的"Hudson" 有两个小时了

Now... he's trying to actually rip off his own dead brother.

现在 他居然想方设法剽窃他那死去的亲哥哥

Wilhelmina:Oh, my god, it couldn't be any easier if I gave him the gun, and he aimed it at his foot.

哦 真是天助我也 如果给他一把枪 他就会对准自己的脚
