2021年CRI 《习近平关于注重家庭家教家风建设论述摘编》出版发行(在线收听

A compilation of President Xi Jinping's words and thoughts on the importance of family education and virtue has been published.

The book was compiled from over 60 reports, speeches and other documents from 2012 to 2020, with some published for the first time.

The Chinese premier is urging efforts to deepen reform and opening up, to improve the well-being of the people, and to promote high-quality development.

Li Keqiang made the remarks during an inspection tour in Jiangsu.

He lauded local authorities for introducing non-governmental partners to promote development of elderly care, when visiting a residential community in Changzhou.

The Chinese Foreign Minister says the country will work with the United Arab Emirates to seek greater progress in pushing bilateral ties forward.

Wang Yi made the remarks during his meeting with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

He says China fully supports the UAE's efforts to safeguard sovereignty, security and stability and to fight against religious extremism.

The minister also calls on both sides to deepen cooperation on energy, finance and high-tech, as well as the fight against COVID-19.

Wang Yi adds that China is ready to work with the UAE to promote a program aiming to provide Chinese languages lessons in 100 schools in the Middle East country.

The Abu Dhabi crown prince says he appreciates China's support with COVID-19 vaccines to help the country control the pandemic.

Senior executives of two Chinese COVID-19 vaccine makers say their products are in extensive use by a great number of countries and regions around the world.

Vice president Zhang Yuntao of China National Biotec Group says their Sinopharm vaccine has shown good results in protecting against the coronavirus.

"Phase Three clinical trials conducted by the CNBG under China National Pharmaceutical Group have covered 125 countries, with the marketing and emergency use of the Sinopharm vaccine has covering more than 190 countries. So far, the Sinopharm vaccine has been used in 50 countries and regions around the world up to today."

General manager Gao Qiang of Sinovac Life Sciences says their company has carried out research on the use of their vaccine in various countries.

"The Phase III clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccine produced by Sinovac Life Sciences have been carried out simultaneously in Brazil in South America, Indonesia in Southeast Asia, and Turkey in the Middle East."

The Sinovac vaccine has been approved for emergency use by countries including Zimbabwe, the Philippines and Mexico.

Two more batches of Chinese-made COVID vaccine ingredients have arrived in Brazil.

They will be sent to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation to produce new doses.

The Brazilian scientific institution has so far received all six batches of active ingredients from China as scheduled in the first three months of 2021.

Severe weather and flash floods have left four people dead around Nashville, Tennessee.

Fire department rescue teams report that they pulled at least 130 flooding victims from vehicles and homes on Sunday morning.

The chair of the Suez Canal Authority says they are working around the clock to refloat the Ever Given container ship stuck in the canal.

Osama Rabie says their top priority is to move the ship before investigating who is responsible for the accident and who is owed compensation.

"We are working around the clock. Not just one shift, but around the clock, until we get these ships moving. We are working night and day. We will work around the clock to get the congested ships moving, we won't delay them. We promise you this."












中国两家新型冠状病毒疫苗生产商的高管表示,其产品在世界多国和地区得到 广泛使用。













