时差N小时 台北动物园赢得接纳两只中国猫熊资格(在线收听

The Taipei City Zoo in Muzha won the bid to house a pair of giant pandas from China, and people will be able to see the endangered animals at the end of this year at the earliest.


A screening committee organized by the Forestry Bureau under the Council of Agriculture (COA) chose the Muzha zoo in Taipei to eventually house the pandas, over the private Leofoo Safari Park in northern Hsinchu county.


COA officials said in a statement that the Muzha zoo won the bid because the Leofoo park had failed to develop the necessary educational and research programs to go along with the pandas' arrival. In addition, the veterinary service at the Leofoo park is not good enough to handle emergency medical treatment demand.


Meanwhile, Taipei's city government says it has invested about NT$250 million to build a panda house, while Leofoo says it spent about a third of that sum on the project.


"Taipei has prepared for many years to receive the pandas; we will consider them as our own children and provide them with the best care," Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin was quoted as saying by Taipei city government spokesman Yang Hsiao-tung.

“台北多年以前就准备迎接大熊猫了。我们会像照顾我们的孩子一样照顾他们。”台北市政府发言人杨效东(Yang Hsiao-tung)引用台北市市长郝龙斌的话说。

Due to the import procedures and quarantine measures, the two pandas might not arrive in Taiwan before the end of the year, according to the Taipei city government.

