时差N小时 眼见不一定为实(在线收听

People say that seeing is believing-really? Take for example the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.


It went beyond the pale for organizers to fake a song before a live audience of 91,000 inside the "Bird's Nest" National Stadium, with billions also watching at home.

组织者们出格了——他们当着9.1万名现场观众和数十亿电视观众的面,在开幕式现场 “鸟巢”国家体育场让演唱者假唱。

Lin Miaoke, a cute nine-year-old girl, sang "Ode to the Motherland" in an angelic voice. Two days later, the Chinese media broke the news that Lin Miaoke had lip-synched the song, which was in fact sung by a different girl, who is not as cute in appearance.


It is unthinkable that Chen Qigang, general music director of the opening ceremony, could let such a thing happen in the first place. Maybe the pressure was too strong to let him stick to his principles. "The reason was for national interests," Chen said. "The child on stage should be flawless in image, internal feeling and expression," Chen added.

对开幕式音乐总监陈其钢来说,让这样的事情发生在第一时间,这是不可想象的。也许是压力太大的缘故,让他无法坚持自己的原则。 “原因就是国家利益,”陈先生说, “舞台上的孩子应在形象上、内心感情和表达上完美无瑕。”陈补充道。

It is unacceptable, even immoral, to cheat an audience for whatever reason. The Olympics are about fair competition and sportsmanship. That's why the International Olympic Committee has been strictly enforcing its anti-doping program.


Doping is defined as the use of a performance-enhancing substance by athletes in competition. By extension, the use of somebody else's voice other than one's own is also an act of performance enhancing. It makes a travesty of the Olympic spirit.

