时差N小时 联合国发起"大猩猩年"(在线收听

The "Year of the Gorilla" began on Dec. 1-a U.N. effort to raise money for primates threatened with extinction from disease, hunting and deforestation.


Officials for the U.N.—backed Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals said they hoped to raise half a million euros ($630,000) for projects aimed at fighting the animals' biggest threats.


"We need to use the resources that we raise to promote more gorilla-watching tourism, to get more equipment and infrastructure to help rangers combat poaching," Robert Hepworth, an official with the Convention, said. "We need to do more to conserve their habitat."


The "Year of the Gorilla" was launched at a ceremony in Rome where Prince Albert II of Monaco and representatives from more than 100 governments gathered to discuss increasing measures for nearly 30 species endangered by pollution, climate change and overhunting.

