《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第6集第18期:一切都会好的(在线收听


Hey, is she ok?The doctors told Alaric that she got lucky.

她还好吗 医生告诉阿拉里克说她很幸运

She's going to make it.She's going to be ok.

她会挺过去的 她会好起来的

Does she remember what happened?No, nothing.It's all part of Katherine's mind compulsion.

她记得发生过的事情吗 一点也不记得了 那些都是凯瑟琳用意念在控制她

Why would Katherine hurt Jenna?


Because she's trying to send a message that she could get to anybody.

因为她想告诉我们 她可以接近任何一个人

Hey, hey, hey, come here.It's gonna be ok.No, it's not.

别担心 一切都会好的 不 不会的

She's going to pay, Elena.

埃琳娜 她会付出代价的

I don't know how, but she's going to pay.

我不知道是以什么方式 但她会付出代价的

It looks good.Thanks.

你看上去不错 谢谢

It was nice to see Matt today.

我今天看到马特了 我很开心

He hasn't been around for a while.


We've both been busy, I guess.Have you seen Mason?

我猜 大家都很忙吧 你见过梅森了吗

The guy's been awol all day.


Actually, Tyler,Mason headed back to Florida.

泰勒 实际上 梅森回佛罗里达了

What?!I'm sorry, honey.I know how much you two hit it off.

什么 亲爱的 我很抱歉 我知道你们俩很投缘

So he just left.I was hoping he'd stick around.I thought that with your dad gone,that,

他就这么走了 我也希望他留下 我以为你爸去世了以后 他会

Anyway, he's gone.So I guess it's just you and me now.

不管怎样 他现在走了 我想 现在就只剩下我们两个了
