《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第7集第5期:化妆舞会(在线收听

Ok.Well, have you actually seen the moonstone before?I always thought it was some made-up legend.

好吧 那么 你以前见过那块月光石吗 我一直以为那是个捏造的传说

I've seen it. And I need you to help me get it back.

我见过 现在我需要你帮我拿回它

Oh, yeah? What are you going to do with it?

是吗 你要它做什么

You want me to break the curse.Let's just get it first.

你想让我解除诅咒 我们先把它拿回来再说

What I really need is for your back-up.


I can't that imagine Damon and Stefan are just gonna hand it over without putting up a fight.

我总不能认为达蒙和斯特凡 会乖乖地把它给我

I know you love Elena and you want to be with her, but it's risky.

我知道你爱埃琳娜 你想和她在一起 但这很冒险

Too many people could get hurt.


Look, I want Elena back, yes.But it's more than that.

听着 没错 我想让埃琳娜回到我身边 但不仅如此

What Katherine did to Jenna crossed a line.And she has to be stopped before it happens again.

凯瑟琳对珍娜所做的已经超出界限了 我们得阻止她 以防这种事再次发生

I don't know, Stefan.Look, Katherine knows me, all right?

斯特凡 我不确定 听着 凯瑟琳了解我 对吧

She knows that I'm not gonna try something in a crowd full of innocent people.

她知道我不会 在无辜的人群中动手

So, that gives me an edge.I can catch her by surprise.

这让我有了优势 我可以出其不意

I could do a spell to trap her.Like the tomb spell.

我可以用咒语困住她 类似墓地里的那个咒语

Right. We can isolate her away from the others.Please, Bonnie?Ok.

对 我们可以把她从人群中孤立出来 邦妮 求你了 好吧

You're welcome to hang out. Alaric's coming over.It's gonna be pizza and bad TV.

你可以多玩一会啊 阿拉里克快到了 今晚会是个批萨配无聊电视剧之夜

I'd love to but I'm going to the masquerade party at the Lockwood's. Aren't you?

我也想留下来 但我要去洛克伍德化妆舞会 你不去吗

Uh, no-- not with what's going on with me and Stefan.

不了 我和斯特凡发生了点小状况

I've got to go. There's something I've got to do. What?

我得走了 我还有事要做 什么事

Just something. I can't talk about it.But, I've gotta go.

就是些事情 我不能说 我得走了
