《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第7集第6期:一直在你身边(在线收听

Ok. Well, have fun.Yeah, me in a suit.You look good in a suit.

行 好好玩 是啊 我要穿正装了 你穿正装挺帅的

You and Stefan will work it out.I don't think so, Matt.

你和斯特凡会和好如初的 我不这么觉得 马特

There's so much about me and Stefan that will never work.


You know I'm here for you. Always.

你知道 我会一直在你身边

You sure you guys don't want me there tonight?


No, I need you to stay with Elena.I don't want her to know about this.

不用 我需要你和埃琳娜待在一起 我不想让她知道这件事

Ok. I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight.

好 我保证不让她离开我视线范围

All right. If anybody wants to back out,I'll understand.

好了 如果有人想退出 我能理解

Yeah, cold feet speak now. I don't want this going wrong because someone chickens out. Caroline?

对 怕了就赶紧说 我不想 因为有人临阵退缩误了事 卡罗琳你呢

I won't. She killed me. Fair's fair.

我不退出 是她杀了我 我要报仇

And as long as there are no werewolves running around.


Oh, I took care of Mason.And as long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone,he won't turn.

梅森我已经解决掉了 泰勒只要不杀人就不会变成狼

Bonnie? Are you with us?But no one gets hurt.Except Katherine.

邦妮 同意加入吗 但不能伤害任何人 凯瑟琳除外

Tonight, Katherine, gets a stake through her heart.

