
Brisa Barajas wants to know:


"How do I accept the fact that my mother is dating?"


Oh, that is very difficult.


Just 'cause she's your mother doesn't mean that she can't date, so live with it.


You just need to be happy for her.


Realize that it's awkward, but feel happy for her.


If you can ask this question, just talk with your mom. I'm sure she'd be happy to talk to you about how she found happiness, or how she's looking for it. It may help you later.


If it's really stressing you out, maybe just sit down and talk with her about it. Usually communication is the best thing. See what her thoughts are and, from that, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine.


Go with your mother, or wherever she's dating, and get used to the guy she's dating so then you'll get used to her dating.


I think you have to get to know the person if she dates someone seriously. Spend some time with the man — or woman — and get to know the person before you make a judgement on it.


Well, that's kind of tough 'cause moms are important and the thing you've gotta keep in mind is moms also gotta have a life and dating's part of life for adults. Just love your mom and let her know you love her and she'll have her life and you'll be able to enjoy her. Maybe you can give her some advice yourself.

