《永远的北极熊》精讲 05(在线收听

My plan is... to get out of this halfway house.


That's... that's number one. I like it.

这是 这是第一条 我喜欢

Then I'll get a job and an apartment.

然后找份工作 找间公寓

And then you girls can come visit me and have sleepovers and I'll make crepes for breakfast and dinner.

然后你和妹妹就能来看我 还能在我家过夜 我还可以给你们做可丽饼做早餐

And then...


I'll move back in with you and Faithie... and Mommy.

我和你 费瑟和妈妈回去一起住

That is, if Mommy will have me.

就这样 如果妈妈愿意跟我住的话

I feel like Lucy visiting Mr Tumnus.

我感觉自己像露西 来拜访半羊人图普纳斯先生

Oh! That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

噢 这是所有人对我说过的话里 最恭维的一句了

Mommy says you have a drinking problem.


I think if you could stop drinking and take your lithium, then Mommy would let you come home.

我觉得 如果你能戒酒 净化体内的锂 那妈妈就会让你回家了

Do you actually think Mommy should be confiding in you this way?

你真的觉得妈妈应该 像这样对你掏心掏肺吗



Could we please go back to being Lucy and Mr Tumnus?

咱们能继续当 露西和图普纳斯先生吗

These too. OK.

还有这些 好

Keller Brothers.


Hey. It's for you. No personal calls.

嘿 是找你的 公司电话不允许私用

Oh, I'm sorry. This is a job!

抱歉 这是工作

OK. OK. I'm sorry about that.

好 好 很抱歉

Sorry. Sorry.

对不起 对不起

Hello? It's me.

喂 是我

Amelia came to see me at the halfway house today.


Everything's fine. I'm taking her home to your apartment.

一切都好 我现在带她回你家

How did she get there? Walked.

她是怎么去的 走路

All the way from school?


I know I think we should try and find a therapist for her to talk to.

我知道...我觉得我们应该 给她找个心理医生 和她谈谈

She's gotten so good.


That's fantastic! That's great, sweetpea.

太棒了 了不起 宝贝
