《永远的北极熊》精讲 27(在线收听

Are they mean? Mmhm.

他们坏吗 嗯哼

That's it, Amelia. Put pressure on him.

就是这样 艾米丽娅 给他点压力

Get your hands in there!


Hands up, Amelia! Hands up!

举起手来 艾米丽娅 抬起手

Alright, good job.

好的 干得好

Oh, yes!

噢 好

Those kids seem nice. We should invite them over sometime.

那些孩子挺不错的 下次应该请他们过来

No way!


I'd rather die than have people into our shithole.

我死也不要让那些人 到我们住的粪坑来

They crush my soul.


Here we come Here we come

我们来了 我们来了

We're the pirates, and we're gonna make you swab the decks

我们是海盗 我们要让你擦甲板

Here we come Here we come

我们来了 我们来了

We're the pirates, and we're gonna make you...

我们是海盗 我们会让你...

Faithiebear, could you please clear your stuff off the table?

费瑟宝贝 能不能请你 把桌子上的东西清理一下

I'm busy. We'll be having dinner soon.

我很忙 我们很快要吃晚饭了

It'd be awfully nice to have a place to sit and eat!

有个能坐下来吃东西的地方 会很棒的

Later! ..Walk the plank

等一下 走木板

Plank, plank, plank, plank, plank, plank, plank...


Now. J' Here we come.

现在 我们来了

Here we come... Now! Now!

我们来了 现在 现在

You are so mean!


I am not your servant! No!

我不是你的仆人 不

Goddamnit! I'm the servant!

该死的 我才是仆人

All I do is cook for you and clean,

我整天给你们做饭 打扫

and I drive you around and take care of your every goddamn need!

开车带你们到处走 满足你们 所有的需求

You treat me like a goddamn maid!


I got to get out of here! Jock, go back. Go back!

我要离开这 乔克 回去 回去

We don't have a babysitter. You don't need a babysitter.

我们没保姆 你不需要保姆

But it's nighttime. We get scared. Faithie gets scared.

但现在是晚上 我们会害怕 费瑟会害怕

Then you need to toughen up. What is there to be scared of?

那你就得坚强点 有什么好怕的

Wolves? Vampires? Rapists!

狼 吸血鬼 强奸犯

Rapists? If a rapist knocks, don't let him in!

强奸犯 要是强奸犯敲门 比让他们进来

But what if they force their way in? That's what rapists do!

但要是他们强行进来呢 强奸犯都这样

You kick them in the balls! Oh! I need to get out of here!

踢他们的蛋啊 我得离开这

I can't take it anymore! I need to go be with adults!

我受不了了 我要跟大人在一起

Not a bunch of bratty, bossy brats!


Unhand my foot!


