《永远的北极熊》精讲 38(在线收听

Well, I have heard the Charles River's a real asshole.


' Bye, Daddy. ' Bye, Daddy.

再见 爸爸 再见 爸爸

We love you. OK.

我们爱你 好的



My darlings, I'm so proud of you.

我亲爱的 我为你们骄傲

So is Mommy. Why?

妈妈也是 为什么

We just are. 'Bye!

我们就骄傲 再见

I love you!


Don't do that. Do what?

别那么做 做什么

Watch us walk away. I was just watching you walk.

看着我们走远 我只是看你们走

Please don't. Why?

拜托不要 为什么

You make us feel bad. I don't want you to feel bad.

你让我觉得很难过 我不想让你难过

Yes, you do! That's why you stand there looking pathetic!

是的 你想 所以你站在那里 装出一副可怜样

I was watching you walk across the field, for Christ's sake!

上帝呀 我只是看着你们 走过田径场

It's allowed! Daddy.

这是允许的 爸爸

We are walking away now.


And we are not turning around. We are not looking back.

我们不会回头 我们不会往后看

I'm not asking you to. Love you, Daddy.

我没叫你那么做 爱你 爸爸

Goodbye. We love you. Goodbye.

再见 我们爱你 再见

Don't cry. Don't cry. I can't help it.

别哭 别哭 我忍不住

Everyone has choice


When to and not to raise their voices


It's you that decides


Which way you will turn


While feeling that our love's not your concern

