《丑女贝蒂》精讲 128深入一线获取真实民况(在线收听

Mr. Badlani? Hi. I'm Betty Suarez.We spoke on the phone.

Badlani先生 你好 我是Betty Suarez 我们在电话里聊过

I'm here to be your hot dog hostess.


Taj ma hot dog. Delicious meat substitute hot dogs. Sounds tasty.

泰姬热狗 美味香肉热狗 好像很可口

Thank you. Now I know it's chilly today,

谢谢 今天有点冷

but it can get mighty sticky inside that hot dog suit.


I'm sorry. There's an actual hot dog suit?

抱歉 真的有热狗戏服

Oh, just when I thought this day couldn't get sweeter.


Now which one of you is going to be the wiener,and which one is going to be the bun?

你们哪个扮肉肠 哪个扮面包

What? It's a 2-man costume. You can't have the wiener without the bun.

什么 需要两个人 肉肠总要配上面包

You heard the man.


No.You wear the stupid costumes.

不 你去穿傻傻的戏服

It's your article. You're the editor.

这是你的文章 你才是编辑

You're right, Marc. I am the editor.

没错 Marc 我是编辑

And while I've been doing the hardest jobs in New York all day long,


You have been doing nothing at all. But you heard Wilhelmina. I'm in charge.

你却什么也没干 但是Wilhelmina让我做主

So suit up, because I'm the boss, and you're the bun.

所以你去穿上戏服 因为我是老大 那你是面包

Well, what do you think?

哇 怎么样

You look great. But please don't eat in front of the customers.

很不错 在客人面前就不要吃了

A hot dog eating a hot dog? It freaks them out.

热狗吃热狗 会吓到他们的

Okay, well, what do I do? Greet customers? Hand out some coupons?

我该干什么 问候顾客 派发优惠券

That doesn't seem so hard.Sometimes that happens. Now where is my bun?

好像不难 偶尔会这样 面包在哪里

Bun! We need you! Can't have a hot dog without a bun.

面包 我们需要你 热狗怎能少了面包呢

There you are!


Unlike you, Betty, who wears ridiculous getups on a daily basis,

不像你 Betty 天天穿着滑稽的衣服

I have a reputation to protect.


Come on, Marc. You look adorable... good enough to eat.

得了 Marc 你看上去很可爱 人们会想咬你一口

What the hell is that? Oh, it's the hot dog music.

那又是什么 喔 那是热狗音乐

Come on. I'll show you the dance steps.

来把 我来展示给你们看一些舞步
