《丑女贝蒂》精讲 148失落的贝蒂(在线收听

We got what you need, right?

你得到想要的信息了 对吧

All righty. Uh, I'll show you how to check the messages.

好 我告诉你怎么查留言

You've reached Betty Suarez, assistant to Daniel Meade, editor-in-chief.

我是贝蒂·苏亚雷斯 主编丹尼尔·米德的助理

Greeting deleted.Now how do I do a new one with my voice?

问候语删掉了 现在我怎么录我的

You have your files backed up, right? Okay. Mm-hmm. I do.

你的文件都备份了吧 是的

But it's... Great. In the trash. Okay. Awesome.

很好 都删掉了 好了 太棒了

I like to keep his messages on this side.


Yeah. I'm gonna keep them on this side,


so he can grab 'em as he walks by.


Well, I think he's pretty used to me handing them to him.


Hey, this is convenient, thanks.

嘿 那样很方便 谢谢

All right, so that's about it.

好了 差不错就是这些了

Well, thank you so much for your help.

这样很方便 谢谢

Okay. Oh! Don't forget this.

好的 别忘了这个

Oh, thanks. Like I was never here. Oh, will you...

没事 别忘了这个 谢谢 就像我从来不存在一样你 能否

Uh! Daniel Meade's office.


Can you remind Daniel that we have a lunch?


Yeah. Uh-huh. Great. Yeah, no. This is Natalie.

好的 好 不 我是娜塔丽

Yeah, I'm his new assistant.Yeah. Sure.

他的新助理 好的
