《再次出发之纽约遇见你》精讲 20丹的婚姻问题(在线收听

She goes to Europe to work on a junket, and she ends up meeting and falling in love with a singer.

她去欧洲出公差 遇见一位歌手 坠入爱河

Bang, boom. Thunder, lightning.Fireworks. The whole bit.

干柴加烈火 砰然心动什么的

And...the arrangement was that they were gonna come back and tell their partners that they'd fallen in love and they were gonna spend the rest of their lives together.

他们原本计划回家后向各自的家人坦白 然后就此共度余生

And so, I go to the airport to pick her up,and she just comes out with it, first off. Whole story.

那天 我去机场接她 她很爽快地跟我说了整件事

And next day, her bags are all packed,and we're telling Violet what's gonna happen.

第二天 东西都打包好了 我们一起告诉瓦莱特接下来的打算

So what did happen?


He choked. He got on the airplane,went back to his life, turned his phone off,

那男人退缩了 他上了飞机 回到他原本的生活 电话关机

and she never heard from him again. I move into another bedroom.

从此音讯全无 我搬去另一间卧室

She's waiting around for a phone call that never comes,


and I turn into a...I lose my shit a little bit.


I'm so sorry. No.

真是抱歉 不必

Maybe people in the music industry just don't make good life partners.


Or fathers. Yeah, it certainly looks that way.

也不是好父亲 看来如此

I didn't mean about the fathers bit.


You make a very good father.


Yeah, right. Maybe just not a good partner.

是吗 或许不是好合作伙伴

What is that?


This? Yeah.

这个吗 对

That's a splitter.It's for, uh, two headphones going into one input.

分离器 接上它两副耳机可以同时收听

It's actually from my first date with Miriam.


It is? What do you mean?

真的吗 怎么说

We walked all over the city listening to her CD player.

我们逛遍整个城市 听着她的随身听

I don't think we said more than two words to each other the whole night.


That was New Year's Eve, and we were married two months later.

那是新年夜 两个月后我们就结婚了

Wow. That's lovely.What kind of music you got on your phone?

很棒的故事 你手机里有哪些歌

I'm not giving you access to my music library. I'm really not.

我不想和你分享歌单 真的不想

There's a lot of embarrassing, very guilty pleasures in there.

个人的小品味 要让你见笑的

Mine, too.You can tell a lot about a person by what's on their playlist.

我也一样 播放列表能让你了解一个人

I know you can. That's what's worrying me.

我知道 所以我才担心

So are we gonna do this? OK.

那要不要试一下 好吧

OK, let's do it.

