《再次出发之纽约遇见你》精讲 21我最爱的曲子(在线收听

OK, so, I'm quite frightened,cause you might find this cheesy,but it is one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite films,so are you ready?

你可能会觉得 这首歌有点俗气 但这是我最爱的电影里最爱的曲子 准备好了吗

It's good, right?


That's what I love about music. What?One of the most banal scenes is suddenly invested with so much meaning, you know?

所以我才爱音乐 什么 哪怕多平淡的场景 音乐都能赋予它深厚的意义

All these banalities,they're suddenly turned into these...these beautiful, effervescent pearls.From music.

而平淡突然间变成了美丽而热烈的珍珠 从音乐中破壳而出

I've got to say, as I've gotten older,these pearls are just becoming increasingly more and more rare to me.

我得说 我岁数变大了 这样的珍珠也是越来越少了

More string than pearls?


Yeah. You've got to travel over a lot more string to get to the pearls.

是啊 你得在重重束缚中挣扎才能发现珍珠

This moment is a pearl, Gretta.

这一刻就是一颗珍珠 格蕾塔

It sort of is, isn't it?


All this has been a pearl.


Hey, guys!

