美联社新闻一分钟 AP 巴西警方对贩毒组织发动清剿行动(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


The chairman of the Joint Chiefs says the U.S. military may continue to train Afghan security forces but do it in other countries after American forces leave Afghanistan.


General Mark Milley on Thursday said the U.S. had not yet settled on how to continue supporting the Afghan Air Force, which is heavily dependent on the U.S..

美国陆军上将米利(Mark Milley)周四表示,美国尚未决定如何继续支持阿富汗空军,后者严重依赖美军。

Police targeting drug traffickers raided a slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Thursday.


At least one officer and 24 suspects are dead after a shooting broke out.


Heavily armed men fled police, many by leaping from roof to roof inside the Jacarezinho favela, one of the city's most populous shanty towns.


Guatemalan disaster relief authorities remain on high alert amid renewed activity at the Pacaya Volcano.


Officials said no communities are currently at risk but the direction of the new lava flow is uncertain, and so it's being closely watched.


And a cause for celebration as quintessential New York City restaurant Junior's reopened its doors to patrons Thursday.


Known for its famous cheesecake_Junior's closed its Times Square location at the onset of the pandemic.

