《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第10集第10期:还不够强大(在线收听

What's this?I have no idea.It was Mason's.

这是什么 不知道 这是梅森的

August 31st,My body is changing.I'm edgy, I'm angry, impatient.

8月31日 我的身体在不断地变化 我很紧张 愤怒 暴躁

I get so mad, I black out and forget what I say or do.

我要疯了 我会失去知觉 忘记自己做过什么

I'm not myself, not since Jimmy's death.

吉米死后 我一直心神不宁

What's happening to me?


He chronicled everything.


Full moon is tonight.


Well, does he say what happened?


Better get the torches.Alaric's stake gun's in my trunk. Bonnie?

最好带上火把 阿拉里克的木桩枪在我的后车厢里 邦妮

Go ahead.I'm almost done.

去吧 我快好了

What are you doing?


Hey, you're not strong enough.

嘿 你还不够强大

I'll be fine.You could get hurt.

我不会有事的 你会受伤的

And Elena could die.I'll be fine.

否则埃琳娜会死的 我不会有事的

Promise.I promise.

保证 我保证
