纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 79法国历史上最悲惨的王后(在线收听

Louis may not have wanted to go to war with his own people,but many of them now wanted to go to war with him.

路易可能不想和他的子民开战 但他的许多子民想和他开战

Three months after the fall of the Bastille,a group of angry Parisians marched on Versailles itself.

巴士底沦陷后的三个月 一批愤怒的巴黎人民攻入了凡尔赛

The rioters vowed to kill the one person theyblamed forall their troubles,the symbol of the hated rich—Marie Antoinette.

暴乱分子扬言要杀掉玛丽·安托瓦内特 他们认为她是一切动乱的起因 也是无恶不作的象征

There's no doubt that some elements of this crowd had very bloodthirsty thoughts in their mind.

毫无疑问 部分暴乱分子 心中非常嗜血

Marie Antoinette has become a figure of absolute hatred for the population of Paris at this point.

此时 在巴黎人民心中 玛丽·安托瓦内特已经是口诛笔伐的对象

Marie Antoinette was the main target,because she's been the main target for many years now.

玛丽·安托瓦内特是主要目标 她已经是多年的主要目标了

She was considered that...the person who really was giving poor advice to Louis XVI,


would be at the origin of the fiscal crisis because of her lavish expenses.

也由于她的挥霍无度 国家财政才出现赤字

One reason the crowd hated Marie Antoinette was because of a phrase she was said to have uttered when told that the poor had no bread.

暴民憎恨玛丽·安托瓦内特的一个原因是当她被告知穷人吃不起面包时 她所说的一句话

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"—"Let them eat cake".


Marie Antoinette never said "Let them eat cake,"and she never could have said it.

玛丽·安托瓦内特从未说过这句话 她也不可能这么说

She was brought up in the philanthropic court of Austria,


where her mother Maria Theresa would tell them to go round giving soup and bread to old women in farmers' cottages.

她的母亲 玛利亚·特丽萨 嘱咐她的孩子们 用汤和面包救济村庄里的老农妇

And it was inconceivable.She would have given the brioche to...

这实在是难以置信 她是会把奶油蛋卷给...

She was much more like the late Princess Diana, you know.

她更像是已故的戴安娜王妃 你懂吗

She wouldperforma gesture like that.So, shecouldnever have said it.

她会这么做的 所以 她不可能那样说
