时差N小时 怎样靠蟋蟀的鸣叫来推测时间?(在线收听

Imagine you're camping deep in the woods on a summer night. The sun sinks below the horizon and the temperature begins to fall. You shiver, and as you pull your jacket around your shoulders, you wonder just how cold it really is. Here's a clever way for you to find out, and all you need is 1. Wrist watch 2. Your ears 3. A little of patience.

设想一下,你在夏夜的树林深处露营。太阳落到地平线以下,温度开始下降,你不禁打了一个寒颤。于是你在肩上披上夹克,你想知道到底有多冷。有一个聪明的办法能帮你找到答案,你只需要三样东西:1. 手表;2.耳朵;3. 耐心。

Start by listening for a chirping cricket. Male crickets around the world make this characteristic sound by rubbing their wings together. The edge of a male cricket's right wing is covered with little ridges, like a file or a washboard. As he rubs his left wing cover across the uneven right wing, he produces an insect love song that female crickets find irresistible.


Female crickets use this amorous chirping to find their perfect mate, listening with a pair of special ears located below the knees. Now you can use these same serenades to calculate the temperature.


Most insects tend to be more active when it's hot, and more sluggish in cooler weather. Crickets are no exception to this rule.


In cold weather, a cricket will do everything more slowly, and as the temperature drops, so does the tempo of his love song. By measuring how quickly he chirps, you can find out approximately how cold it is.


It's easy to do: Simply count the number of chirps a single cricket makes in a fifteen second period, then add thirty seven. Although individual species might be a little faster or slower, this should give a fair approximation of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.


Remember: fifteen seconds worth of chirps, plus thirty seven. Even if the chirping keeps you awake all night, at least you'll know the temperature.

