《丑女贝蒂》精讲 203寻找抛弃多年的儿子(在线收听

I'm looking for someone. Sorta, kinda exactly like you.

我在寻找某人 可以说是有几分完全像你

I'm hoping that someone is feeling the same way that I do.


I'm a little bit captured, enraptured. Can't help but dream about you.

我有点被迷惑 为你倾倒 情不自禁梦到你

Still waiting on that order, Tyler. Coming up.

那个客人还在等着 Tyler 这就好了

You're not from around here.Wh...what... what gave me away?

你不是这附近的人 你从哪里看出来的

You have all your teeth.What can I get you?

你牙齿都还在 你要什么

Much as I'd love to say scotch on the rocks,


I'll just go with a cranberry and soda.


Ah, you, too, huh? I used to pound pretty hard in college myself.

你也是这样 你也是在大学期间 我喝得很凶

You went to college.I mean, you just seem so young.

你上过大学 我的意思是你看起来很年轻

Community college. A couple classes, you know.


Learned enough to realize that a few more shots,


And it would all go south pretty fast. Mm.It's genetic, I guess.

而且也快忘光了 我想是遗传吧

That's what I hear. Can I get you some beer nuts? That would be lovely.

我也是这么听说的 你来点坚果吗 那真是太棒了
