《丑女贝蒂》精讲 214你怀孕了吗?(在线收听

Oh, my god. Are you pregnant?

我的天 你怀孕了吗

Pregnant? Like pregnant pregnant?

怀孕了 真的怀孕了

I don't know. I'm not sure.

我不知道 我不能确定

I'm gonna leave you two alone.

我先走了 你们两个谈

I might not be.


See, uh, Hilda took a test and I took a test,


and it got mixed up, and we don't know whose is whose.

但我们搞混了 不知道谁是谁了

But one of us isn't pregnant. One of us is.

我们中有一个怀孕了 一个没有

We just don't know which. Whoa.


I didn't mean for this to happen.

天啊 我没想到会这样

Things were so good, are so good between us.

我们过去发展很好 现在也很好

and this is not anything


That either one of us should be thinking about.


Trust me. I know that. I hope it's us.

真的 我知道 我希望是你

What? I kind of want it to be us.

什么 我希望那是我们的

I know. I know it... isn't something that we planned,

我知道 这虽然是预料之外的事

And it's probably. Okay, okay, definitely.

还可能 我是说 肯定

It definitely is not the exact right time but a baby with you.

肯定还不是正确的时机 但和你 有孩子

How could that be bad?


Because. Just, uh, because.

因为 就因为

Betty, listen. Look, I'm the guy

贝蒂 听着 我是个

who can never pick the right thing for my life.


Well, maybe the right thing finally picked me.


Uh... look, Betty. Betty, whatever problems we have,

贝蒂 不管我们有什么困难

we can work it out.


No, Matt. I don't want to work it out.

不行 马特 我没办法克服

I don't want to have a baby right now.


I mean, I can't have a baby at all.


I-I can't be pregnant right now. Okay.

我甚至还不该怀孕 好吧

Okay. Well, maybe you're not.

好吧 可能你还没准备好

I'll go pick us up another test. How?

我再去买个验孕棒 怎么去
