《丑女贝蒂》精讲 227我需要马克(在线收听

I can't believe how many ads we lost while Hartley was in charge.

真难置信Hartley执掌时 我们失去了多少广告

Can we just talk a little more about how much I hated him?


Maybe later. So when we shaving the beard,do you think?

等会再说 那咱啥时候剃胡子呢

We are not. I like it.

不剃 我爱着呢

Hmm. We'll revisit.

哼 再议

Daniel, I need Marc, and you're just gonna have to deal with it.

Daniel 我需要Marc 你只能看着办啦

Well, since you asked so sweetly. How could I possibly say no?

哎呀 既然你这么温柔地问了我怎能拒绝呢

I'm sorry. I'm working like an 8-year-old seamstress here.

抱歉 我现在忙得和一个8岁小裁缝似的

I don't have time to replace him now.


Hmm, says the woman who strolls in at, oh, look at that... 11:00.

才闲晃进公司的女人如是说 瞧瞧 11点呐

I was visiting my sick aunt in Jersey.


You feel good about that crack now?


Point being, you stole Marc from me.

重点是 你从我这偷走了Marc

The least you could do is share him with me, just for a while.

最起码你得和我共用他 就这一段时间

And how does Marc feel about that?


Uh, it's funny how you pretend like I have any say in it at all.

说的好像我有自主权似的 搞笑

Fine. But just for a while.

成 但就一小会哦

Will there be extra compensation for this extra work?


I no longer feel betrayed by you. That's compensation enough.

我不再觉得被你背叛 这报酬够大了吧
