《丑女贝蒂》精讲 230穿"高跟小鞋"吧(在线收听

Excuse me,Wilhelmina?

能打扰你一下不 Wilhelmina

You have 30 seconds. Go.

给你30秒 计时开始

Okay. Um,I'm sorry,really,

好 呃 对不起 真的

really sorry about what happened in the pitch meeting.

真的对不起 我审题会上的那话

I didn't mean to offend you at all.


Wow. That was 20 seconds?

10 啊 这样就20秒了

Really? Is thaw how you want to use the rest of your time?

真的假的 你剩下的时间想用来讨论这个

No. Right. Again,I'm sorry.

噢 对 再次抱歉

I'm grateful to have the job at all. I meant no disrespect.

我很谢谢你给我这个任务 我完全没轻视的成分

I know my place here and I will write a great piece in your voice,

我知道自己的工作 会写出一篇好文章 完全用你的想法

I promise.


Save the world on your own time,Betty.

你闲暇时间再救世吧 Betty

You write whatever fluff piece I give you,

我给你的任务就算多没价值 你都得写

and then maybe I'll give you something better. Understand?

然后我可能才会给你好点的任务 懂没



I did like the title of your piece.Walk a Mile in her Shoes.

我还真的满喜欢你的题目的 穿她鞋 行一英里

So let's do that. Let's have you walk a mile.

我们就那么干吧 就让你走一里

In these. And write about how comfortable they are.

穿这双 然后写写这有多舒服

Oh, and, Betty, I know what those soles look like with a half mile on them

还有 Betty 我一清二楚穿着这鞋子走半里路 鞋底半里能磨成什么样

and I know what they look like with a whole mile on them.

