《丑女贝蒂》精讲 234监狱中的订婚戒子(在线收听

Darling,as happy as I am to see you,

亲爱的 虽然我很开心见到你

shouldn't you be out on the town right now trading barbs with some irritating socialite?


You're irritating enough,especially when you talk like that.

你就够我烦的了 尤其是你那样讲话的时候

Now listen to me.


I know you're worried about me,which is touching. But I've had enough.

结婚是我要告诉你 我愿意和你锁在一起

What the...


Just open it. We're getting married.

打开它把 我们结婚吧

Willie,this is crazy.

Willie 你这是疯了

I mean,I love you for trying this but I'm still locked up in here.

我的意思是 你这样做我很高兴 但是我还被锁着了

And marriage is my way of showing you I'm willing to be as locked up as you are.

通过结婚 我想告诉你的是 我情愿像你一样被锁着

Connor,I love you,and I'm not gonna lose you just because you're in prison.

Connor 我爱你 我不会因为你坐牢就失去你

So we're doing this. Willie,please...

所以我们要结婚 Willie 别

You can say yes now,or you can say yes later,

你要么现在答应我 要么之后也行

but I will come back every day until I get the answer I want.

但以后我每天都会来 直到你答应

Will... you... marry me?

你 愿意娶我吗

Yes. You pushy,remarkable woman,I will marry you.

我愿意 你这个固执 非凡的女人 我愿意娶你
