美联社新闻一分钟 AP 拜登宣布美国已接种三亿剂新冠疫苗(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


President Joe Biden says 300 million COVID-19 shots have been administered in the 150 days since he took office on January 20.


But he's at risk of falling short of his self-imposed target of having 70% of Americans at least partially vaccinated by July 4.


Dozens of Palestinians clashed with the Israeli army in a West Bank village Friday to protest against a settlement outpost.


The protest follows the death of a Palestinian teenager who was shot by Israeli troops in a protest one day earlier.


It's so hot in Nebraska that roadways are buckling, sending repair crews out in 100-degree heat.


A city official in Lincoln says surface temperatures are hitting 120 degrees. One resident calls the heat "obnoxious."


Boeing's newest version of the 737 Max jetliner made its first test flight near Seattle Friday, with deliveries to airlines expected in 2023.

波音最新型号的737 Max喷气客机周五在西雅图附近进行了首次试飞,预计将于2023年交付航空公司。

The Max 10 is a slightly larger version of Max jets that are already flying. It's designed to seat up to 230 passengers.

这款737 Max 10机型是已投入使用的Max喷气式飞机的扩大版。它最多可容纳230名乘客。
