《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 08爱丽丝进入魔镜(在线收听

She had spent months up river. Dressed like she'd gone native. Of course, it's known to do strange things to a man's mind, let alone a woman's.

在海上待过几个月 她曾经穿得像土着人似的 当然 男人都知道她做事邪乎得很 女人更别提了

Wait! Just like her father. A great man, no doubt, but one touched in the head. It appears the apple has not fallen far from the tree.

等等 她很像她父亲 她父亲很了不起 只是头脑不对劲 他们父女俩就像一棵树上结的苹果

Absolem. Curious.

阿布索伦 好神奇啊

It's locked! Someone's in there. Who's in there? Who's in there? You're trespassing! This room is out of bounds! Someone get the key!

锁住了 但里面有人 谁在里面 谁在里面 不要乱闯 不许进入这个房间 快去个人拿钥匙

Lord ascot, there's someone in your father's study.

艾斯科男爵 您父亲的书房里有人
