《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 13疯帽子的请求(在线收听

Hatter... Your family...

疯帽子 你的家人他们

You... Do believe me, don't you, Alice?

你是相信我的 对吗 爱丽丝

I want to. Hatter! You're not well. What can I do?

我很想 但 疯帽子 你状态很差 我能帮你什么

Of course. My Alice... Could bring my family back to me.

当然了 我的爱丽丝 你能把我的家人找回来

Oh, but... Hatter, the thing is... Your family died. Long ago. You told me so yourself. No one can bring them back.

但是 疯帽子 问题是他们去世已经很久了 你亲口告诉我的 没人能把他们找回来

No one but you.


I'm sorry. But it's... It's impossible.

真对不起 但是这 这是不可能的
