《权力的游戏》精讲 第4集:废物(11)(在线收听

It's The Hand's tournament that's causing


all this trouble, My Lords. The King's tournament.

带来的麻烦, 诸位大人. 国王的比武大会.

I assure you The Hand wants no part of it.

我告诉你, 首相对它一点兴趣都没有.

Call it what you will, Lord Stark, Ser, the city is packed with people and more flooding in every day.

您怎么说都行, 史塔克大人, 城里已经挤满了人, 每天还有更多人涌入.

Last night we had a tavern riot, a brothel fire, three stabbings and a drunken horse race down the Street of Sisters.

昨晚就发生了一起酒馆暴乱, 一起妓院火灾, 三起持刀械斗, 还有匹喝醉的马冲到修女街去了.

Dreadful. If you can't keep the King's peace, perhaps the city watch should be commanded by someone who can.

真吓人. 要是你无法维持秩序, 恐怕都城守卫队得换个有办法的人来指挥了.

I need more men. Ned: You'll get 50.

我需要更多人手. 再给你五十个人.

Lord Baelish will see it paid for. I will?

费用由贝里席大人负责. 由我负责?

You found money for a champion's purse, you can find money to keep the peace.

你连比武冠军的赏金都筹措得出, 那就再筹措一点来维持秩序吧.

I'll also give you 20 of my household guard till the crowds have left.

我再从我的贴身护卫中拨二十个人给你 直到城里这些人离开为止.

Thank you, My Lord Hand, Ser.

多射, 首相大人.

They will be put to good use.


The sooner this is over, the better.


The realm prospers from such events, My Lord.

王国就是因为这种事才兴盛的啊, 大人.

They give the great a chance at glory, and the lowly a respite from their woes.

这是上等阶层求取荣耀的大好时机, 下等阶层也能因此暂时忘掉忧愁.

And every inn in the city is full and the whores are walking bow-legged.

而且城里的旅店通通客满 妓女接客接到脚都合不拢.

I'm sure the tourney puts coins in many a pocket.


Hmmm. Now... If there's nothing else, My Lords?

嗯. 现在... 没别的事情了吧, 诸位大人?

Oh, this heat.

哦, 真是个大热天.

On days like this, I envy you Northerners your summer snows.

每到这种天气, 我就羡慕你们北境 你们的夏雪.

Until tomorrow, My Lord

直到昨天, 我的大人

I've been hoping to talk to you about Jon Arryn.


Lord Arryn?

