美联社新闻一分钟 AP 太空第一人--亿万富翁布兰森圆梦(在线收听

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Thrill-seeking billionaire Richard Branson and five crewmates from his Virgin Galactic space tourism company reached space aboard his own rocket ship Sunday. Unity reached some 53 miles over the New Mexico desert- allowing for a few minutes of weightlessness and a view of the curvature of the Earth before safely gliding back home to a runway landing.

上周日,追求刺激的亿万富翁理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)和他的维珍银河太空旅游公司的五名机组人员乘坐自家火箭抵达太空。Unity在新墨西哥沙漠上空飞行了53英里,在安全着陆前,他们体验了几分钟的失重状态,并看到了地球的曲率。

Authorities searching for victims of last month's deadly building collapse in South Florida say they hope to conclude their painstaking work in the coming weeks. The death toll Sunday rose to 90, with 71 victims positively identified and their next of kin notified.


Hundreds in Haiti are turning to prayer as a political power struggle threatens to further destabilize the country following the assassination of President Jovenel Moise. Roman Catholic and Protestant church leaders on Sunday asked for calm and told people to remain strong as anxiety about the future continues to mount.

海地总统若弗内尔·莫伊兹(Jovenel Moise)被暗杀后,一场政治权力斗争可能进一步破坏该国的稳定,数百人开始祈祷。罗马天主教和新教的教会领袖周日呼吁民众保持冷静,并告诉民众要坚强起来,因为对于未来的焦虑仍在不断增加。

Pope Francis greeted staff and patients inside the Rome hospital on Sunday, where he remains a patient following surgery to remove part of his colon last week. The 84-year-old Francis is on the mend, according to the Vatican, following his July 4 surgery to remove a portion of his colon.

