《权力的游戏》精讲 第7集:不胜即死(22)(在线收听

Night gathers and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife,

长夜将至, 我从今开始守望.至死方休.我将不娶妻,

Hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post.

不封地, 不生子.我将不戴宝冠, 不争荣宠.我将尽忠职守, 生死于斯.

I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men.


I pledge my li and honor to The Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come. You knelt as boys.

我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人,今夜如此, 夜夜皆然.你们跪下时尚为孩童...

Rise now as men of The Night's Watch. Well done. Well done. What's he got there?

起来吧, 守夜人的汉子.很好... 很好...他咬着什么东西?

To me, ghost. Bring it here. Gods be good! What will they do to him?

来我这儿, 白灵. 把东西带过来.诸神慈悲!他们会怎么处置他?

When the Khalasar rides, he'll be leashed to a saddle, forced to run behind the horses for as long as he can. And when he falls?

卡拉萨出发的时候, 他会被绑在连着马鞍的绳子上,跟着马跑, 只要他跟得上.假如他摔倒呢?

I saw a man last nine miles once. King Robert still wants me dead. This poisoner was the first. He won't be the last.

我曾见过一个人坚持了九里.劳勃国王还是想要我死.这个下毒的人是第一个, 但绝不会是最后一个.

I thought he'd leave me alone-now that my brother is gone. He will never leave you alone.


If you ride to darkest Asshai, his assassins will follow you. If you sailed all the way to the Basilisk Isles, his spies would tell him.

即便你驰往亚夏的阴影之地, 他的刺客也会尾随而至.即使你航向南方的蛇晰群岛,他的密探仍会向他报告.

He will never abandon the hunt. You're a Targaryen-the last Targaryen. Your son will have Targaryen blood

他永远不会放弃他所追逐的猎物.你属于坦格利安家族... 最后的坦格利安.你的儿子将继续传承坦格利安的血脉...

With 40,000 riders behind him. He will not have my son. He will not have you either, Khaleesi.

而他将会率领着四万精骑.他绝不能伤害我的儿子.他也绝不能伤害你, 卡丽熙.
