《远大前程》第12章 匹普真相大白(3)(在线收听

You helped me all those years ago,Pip!Never forgotten it!He seemed to want to put his arms around me,but I stopped him.


If you are grateful to me for what I did in my childhood,I hope you have improved your way of life now.


It wasn't necessary to come here to thank me.But you must understand that.…I stopped speaking as I noticed how strangely he was staring at me.


What must I understand?he asked,his eyes fixed on me.


That I dont wish to be your friend.You and I met once in the past,but now our lives are separate.


Will you have a drink before you leave?As I handed him a glass of rum,I noticed that his eyes were full of tears.


I'm sorry if that sounds hard,l added.I didn't mean it to be.Good luck in the future!We drank together.How have you been living recently?


I was sent to Australia,you know,because I escaped from the prison-ship.After several years I finished my punishment,


and so I was allowed to work for myself.I did every kind of job there.It was a hard life,but I made a lot of money.


Im glad to hear it,I said.That reminds me,I must give you back the two pounds you sent me.


I don't need it now.And I handed him two new pound notes from my purse.Still watching me,he held them near the lamp until they caught fire.

