《权力的游戏》精讲 第8集:针锋相对(5)(在线收听

The Realm, My Lord. Someone must. It's Othor, without a doubt.

为了国家, 大人.总得有人为国家服务.这是奥瑟, 肯定没错.

The other one is Jafer Flowers, My Lord, less the hand the wolf tore off. Any sign of Benjen or the rest of his party?

另外那个是杰佛佛花, 大人, 他的一只手被狼咬掉了.有班扬或他手下其他人的踪迹吗?

Just these two, My Lord. Been dead awhile, I'd say. Mmm. The smell.

只有这两个, 大人.我看他们死了有一阵子了.嗯. 可是气味...

What smell? There is none. If they'd be dead for a long time, wouldn't there be rot?

怎么气味?没有气味.如果他们死了很久, 怎么还没腐烂?

We should burn them. Snow's not wrong, My Lord. Fire will do for them. The Wildling way.

我们烧了他们吧.雪诺说得没错, 大人. 烧掉尸体吧.野人的处理方式.

I want Maester Aemon to examine them first. You may be a coward, Tarly, but you're not stupid.

我要先让伊蒙师傅检查一下这些尸体.你也许是个懦夫, 塔利, 但人倒是不笨.

Get them inside. You heard him. Lord Commander, Maester Aemon awaits you in his chambers

把他们弄进去. 照他说的做.总司令, 伊蒙师傅正在等你过去...

a raven from King's Landing. Come on, move 'em out. Bring me a horn of ale, Snow,

君临城来了一只渡鸦.快移出去.给我倒杯酒, 雪诺,

Pour one for yourself. The King is dead. Is there any word of my father?

