《权力的游戏》精讲 第8集:针锋相对(24)(在线收听

It should be torn out, rootLet her speak. I want to hear what she says. Thank you, Your Grace.

必须连根拔除... 让她说下去.我要听听她的话.感谢您, 陛下.

Do you deny your father's crime? No, My Lords. I know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy.

你要否认你父亲所犯罪行?不, 诸位大人. 我明白他必须接受惩罚.我请求的只是慈悲为怀.

I know My Lord father must regret what he did. He was King Robert's friend and he loved him. You all know he loved him.

我知道我父亲必定对其所为懊悔不已.他是劳勃国王的好友, 他敬爱国王.你们知道他是真心敬爱他.

He never wanted to be Hand until the King asked him. They must have lied to himLord Renly or Lord Stannis or somebody. They must have lied!

他从未想当国王之手, 直到国王要求他.他必定是受人蛊惑... 蓝礼大人或史坦尼斯大人或是其他什么人. 他们欺骗了他!

He said I wasn't the King. Why did he say that? He was badly hurt.


Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy. He wasn't himself. Otherwise h never would have said it. A child's faith... Such sweet innocence.

派席尔大学士给他服用了罂粟花奶.当时他神智不清. 否则他绝不会那样说的.孩子对父亲的信赖... 多么单纯天真.

And yet they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes. Treason is treason!

可是人们不是常说, 智慧之言往往来自孩童之口么.但叛国就是叛国!

Anything else? If you still have any affection in your heart for me, please do me this kindness, Your Grace.

你还有什么事?如果您心里仍然有我, 请成全我这个心愿吧, 陛下.

Your sweet words have moved me. But your father has to confess. He has to confess and say that I'm the King...


Or there'll be no mercy for him. He will.

