美联社新闻一分钟 AP 南达科他州增兵援助美墨边境(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


The House Committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot holds its first hearings on Tuesday.


It will hear from four police officers who have all spoken previously about the violence they experienced that day.


It could take days to assess the damage that California's largest wildfire did to the remote northern town of Indian Falls.


Erratic winds and possible lightning are making things worse for firefighters battling the Dixie Fire.


South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said she may extend the deployment of National Guard troops from her state on the US Mexico border.

南达科他州州长克里斯蒂·诺姆(Kristi Noem)表示,她可能会向美墨边境派遣该州的国民警卫队。

Noem went to Texas to visit the border and said it's astonishing how many people are crossing illegally.


Dramatic Coast Guard video shows air crews rescuing seven people from a sport fishing boat that got caught in rough seas.


The group was saved over the weekend southeast of Cape May, New Jersey.

周末,这群人在新泽西州的五月角(Cape May)的东南处获救。
