《权力的游戏》精讲 第9集:贝勒神像(8)(在线收听

I did indeed. Perhaps you would be kind enough to assist me. Tell me, did you ever wonder

是的. 或许你会愿意好心地帮我个忙. 告诉我, 你可曾想过

Why the men of The Night's Watch take no wives and father no children? No.

为何守夜人... 不娶妻也不生子? 我没想过.

So they will not love. Love is the death of duty. If the day should ever come when your lord father was forced to choose

这样他们才不会为情爱所困扰. 情爱是责任的死敌. 如果有一天, 你的父亲大人必须作出抉择...

Between honor on the one hand and those he loves on the other, what would he do?

一边是荣誉 另一边是他所爱的人, 他会怎么做?

He would do whatever was right. No matter what. Then Lord Stark is one man in 10,000. Most of us are not so strong.

他会做他该做的事. 不管那是什么. 那么艾德大人是万里挑一的人才. 多数人并没有这么坚强.

What is honor compared to a woman's love? And what is duty

荣誉算得了什么... 如果和女人的爱情相比? 责任又算得了什么...

Against the feel of a newborn son in your arms? Or a brother's smile? Sam told you.

如果和你怀抱初生婴儿的感觉相比? 或是和你兄弟的笑容相比? 山姆跟您说了.

We're all human. Oh, we all do our duty when there's no cost to it. Honor comes easy then.

我们都是凡人. 当我们毋需付出代价时, 自然都能尽忠职守. 自然都能享有荣耀.

Yet sooner or later in every man's life there comes a day when it is not easy,

然而或早或迟 在每个人的生命中 都会遇到考验,

A day when he must choose. And this is my day? Is that what you're saying?

那便是他必须抉择的时刻. 如今就是我要抉择的时刻? 您的意思是这样吗?

Oh, it hurts, boy. Oh yes. I know. You do not know! No one knows.

哦, 那很痛苦, 孩子. 是的.我知道.你不知道! 没有人知道.

I may be a bastard, but he is my father and Robb is my brother. The Gods were cruel when they saw fit to test my vows.

就算我是个私生子, 但他依旧是我父亲, 罗柏依旧是我兄弟. 诸神是残酷的, 他们会考验我们的誓言.

They waited till I was old. What could I do when the ravens brought the news from the South-the ruin of my House, the death of my family?

他们在我步入老年时才这样做. 当渡鸦从南方带来消息时我能做些什么呢... 家族灭亡的消息, 亲人死亡的消息?
