《权力的游戏》精讲 第9集:贝勒神像(9)(在线收听

I was helpless, blind, frail. But when I heard

那时我是何等无助, 眼睛瞎了, 身体虚弱. 可当我听说...

They had killed my brother's son, and his poor son... And the children!

他们杀害我弟弟的儿子, 他可怜的孙子... 还有那些无辜的孩子!

Even the little children. Who are you? My father was Maekar,

甚至最小的婴儿. 你究竟是谁? 我父亲是梅卡...

The first of his name. My brother Aegon reigned after him when I had refused the Throne.

一世国王. 我弟弟伊耿在他之后继位. 因为我拒绝了王位.

And he was followed by his son Aerys, whom they called the Mad King. You're Aemon Targaryen.

之后继位的是他的儿子伊里斯, 人们称他为疯王. 你是伊蒙坦格利安.

I'm a Maester of the Citadel, bound in service to Castle Black and The Night's Watch. I will not tell you to stay or go.

我是学城的一名学士, 立誓为黑城堡与守夜人奉献心力. 我不会要求你留下或是离开.

You must make that choice yourself, and live with it for the rest of your days. As I have.

你必须自己做出这个抉择, 然后一辈子与之相伴. 就像我一样.

Our scouts tell us the Stark host has moved south from the Twins with Lord Frey's levies in tow.

我们的斥候报告 史塔克大军已自孪河城南下 并得到佛雷大人的支持.
