《权力的游戏》精讲 第9集:贝勒神像(19)(在线收听

Half man! Half man! Half man! Half man! Half man! Half man!

半人万岁! 半人万岁! 半人万岁! 半人万岁! 半人万岁! 半人万岁!

To battle. You're a shit warrior. I'm alive?

去打仗吧. 你真是个差劲的战士. 我还活着?

You're alive. Did we win? We wouldn't be having this conversation if we didn't.

你还活着. 我们打赢了? 如果我们没打赢, 就不会还在这儿说话了.

How did our tribesmen do? Yeah, good. It's nice to see them getting along.

我们的部落战士打得如何? 打得很好. 看到他们能并肩战斗真是不错.

You're wounded. Good of you to notice. I hear we won.

你受伤了. 很高兴您能注意到这一点. 我听说我们打赢了.

Hmph. The scouts were wrong. There were 2,000 Stark bannermen, not 20,000. Did we get the Stark boy, at least?

哼. 斥候误报了消息. 这支史塔克军只有两千人而不是两万人. 我们打败的是史塔克家的小鬼吗?

He wasn't here. Where was he? With his other 18,000 men.

他不在这里. 那他在哪里? 和他那一万八千人马在一起.

And where are they? We should go, My Lady. No! My Lady!

那他们在哪里?我们该走了, 夫人.不! 夫人!

Hyah hyah! By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened. Lady Stark. I'd offer you my sword,

驾驾! 我们冲上去的时候他们还毫无防备. 史塔克夫人. 我的剑是您的了,
