戴尔英语红宝书 第44期(在线收听

Flight 120 to Shanghai will be further delayed.

Victor: Hi,大家好,我是Victor, 

Nancy: Nancy! 

Victor: 今天我们讨论的Topic是: 

Nancy: Flight 120 to Shanghai will be further delayed. 

Victor: 飞往上海的120航班将比预计晚点时间延迟到达。 

Nancy: This is talking about the flight number, and the destination city, and the flight status. 

Victor: 这句话告诉我们航班号、目的地和飞行状况。 

Nancy: Delayed means running late, further delayed means running even later than what we originally thought. You could also say, delayed by 2 hours, or by 3 hours, or whatever. 

Victor: further delayed是说比预计的时间还要晚。 

Nancy: Flight 120 to Shanghai will be further delayed. 

Victor: Flight 120 to Shanghai will be further delayed. 

Nancy: That’s all for today. See you! 

Victor: See you!
